[ Topic Opener for Franchise Staking]. General staking open on 23rd May. Open for 1 month.
20 May 2023, 16:48
[ Topic Opener for Franchise Staking]
General staking open on 23rd May.
Open for 1 month.
Quarterly rewards starts from 22Jun - 22Sept. Q1 of rewards.
Unstaking opens 6mths after the staking pool opens.
2.5% of revenue generated.
Up to council to distribute or burn DRF.
Premature unstaking = 10% penalty.
All in Blog.
information will be populated on the dashboard.
manual whitelisting.
Polygon Vs BSC.
Reach out to Mods for whitelisting.
Same news in other sources
120 May 2023, 16:48
General TG - Q&A:
1) When and what type of data (revenue, total riders/drivers, etc) are we going to have to make the staking decision? How will
we view this?
A: It will be displayed via a Dashboard, to view.
2) Once staking is closed, is there any chance to get into the pool? What if we unstake, can we get back in?
A: If staking period is over, once you're out, cannot get back in.
3) Has the team decided on whether to alter the progressive unstaking mechanism? As many people feel that the current progressive unstaking mechanism which limits how much you can unstake at any time is very harsh
A: People have to be committed.
It is like a security deposit. it is the best we can do.
4) When is the first payment projected?
A: 22Sept23
5) Any update on the next franchise city?
A: Not yet that we can speak about.
6) Can you talk more about perpetual staking and when you would expect that to go live? How is the APY going to be determined?
A: Perpetual staking came from different cities having different pool sizes. Once this Bangalore franchise goes live, then the 2nd city goes live, then perpetual staking can come into consideration.
7. Can you confirm what percentage of the next franchise set up fee will go to NFT holders? Last was mentioned was 20%
A: no change right now.
8. Is it possible to do monthly rewards distribution vs quarterly for the franchise?
A: wont take this approach because it is hard, its not worth spending 10days a month to calculate this. A month is too short for a tangible output for operations. 3months is a better reasonable timeframe to see the outcome.
Q From Whitepaper -
To acquire the FNFT, the franchisee is required to stake* a specified amount of DRF tokens for the duration of the agreement.
Q - how is this enforced now?
A: it is not right now. for the next Franchise one, there will be one and it will be enforced.
The amount of DRF tokens to be staked is calculated individually for each city and region.
*Staking, in this case, is similar to a security deposit (or locking up your valuables in a safety deposit box).
Q - Is this the same as fiat the security. pay two time?!
A: divided the security into 2 parts. 50% DRF / 50% Fiat.
In addition to the referral program, DRIFE also offers users the opportunity to earn DRF tokens for various activities on the platform. These activities include: Completing rides, Providing feedback, Participating in promotions
Q - for each segment, where do the drf rewards come from?
A: Comes from the DRF token funds set aside for the Ecosystem.
DRIFE's model offers a unique dynamic pricing mechanism that is based on an auction model. This allows market forces to determine the prices for each ride, rather than a fixed pricing system that is imposed by the platform.
Q - On a per city or country level, is it possible to pre-calculate a recommended fare fee for users?!
A: There are 2 parts to this answer. 1) The base fare is always calculated. 2) Team can look into introducing a recommended 'boost' costing for next time.
When a new user signs up for DRIFE using a referral code provided by an existing user, both the referring driver and rider will receive DRF tokens as a reward.
& Every time a referred user takes a ride on the DRIFE platform, the referrer earns 1% of the fare as passive income in the form of DRF tokens.
Q - Where is this taken from?
A: if a ride cost $100, then the % of referral fee (passive income) comes from the $100.
Key smart contracts (Ride contract, Fare contract, Utility token contract)
Q - Who pays for gas fees? Most rides are paid in fiat
A: contracts are paid for by the system itself. paid for by the administrative. also by subsribtion fee. working to make it free by default.
Q - How long it will take for Drife team to establish DRF token integration & utility into real world settings.
A: Franchise first. this will be next thing.
General TG - Q&A:.
General TG - Q&A:
1) When and what type of data (revenue, total riders/drivers, etc) are we going to have to make the staking decision? How will
we view this?
A: It will be displayed via a Dashboard, to view.
2) Once staking is closed, is there any chance to get into the pool? What if we unstake, can we get back in?
A: If staking period is over, once you're out, cannot get back in.
3) Has the team decided on whether to alter the progressive unstaking mechanism? As many people feel that the current progressive unstaking mechanism which limits how much you can unstake at any time is very harsh
A: People have to be committed.
It is like a security deposit. it is the best we can do.
4) When is the first payment projected?
A: 22Sept23
5) Any update on the next franchise city?
A: Not yet that we can speak about.
6) Can you talk more about perpetual staking and when you would expect that to go live? How is the APY going to be determined?
A: Perpetual staking came from different cities having different pool sizes. Once this Bangalore franchise goes live, then the 2nd city goes live, then perpetual staking can come into consideration.
7. Can you confirm what percentage of the next franchise set up fee will go to NFT holders? Last was mentioned was 20%
A: no change right now.
8. Is it possible to do monthly rewards distribution vs quarterly for the franchise?
A: wont take this approach because it is hard, its not worth spending 10days a month to calculate this. A month is too short for a tangible output for operations. 3months is a better reasonable timeframe to see the outcome.
Q From Whitepaper -
To acquire the FNFT, the franchisee is required to stake* a specified amount of DRF tokens for the duration of the agreement.
Q - how is this enforced now?
A: it is not right now. for the next Franchise one, there will be one and it will be enforced.
The amount of DRF tokens to be staked is calculated individually for each city and region.
*Staking, in this case, is similar to a security deposit (or locking up your valuables in a safety deposit box).
Q - Is this the same as fiat the security. pay two time?!
A: divided the security into 2 parts. 50% DRF / 50% Fiat.
In addition to the referral program, DRIFE also offers users the opportunity to earn DRF tokens for various activities on the platform. These activities include: Completing rides, Providing feedback, Participating in promotions
Q - for each segment, where do the drf rewards come from?
A: Comes from the DRF token funds set aside for the Ecosystem.
DRIFE's model offers a unique dynamic pricing mechanism that is based on an auction model. This allows market forces to determine the prices for each ride, rather than a fixed pricing system that is imposed by the platform.
Q - On a per city or country level, is it possible to pre-calculate a recommended fare fee for users?!
A: There are 2 parts to this answer. 1) The base fare is always calculated. 2) Team can look into introducing a recommended 'boost' costing for next time.
When a new user signs up for DRIFE using a referral code provided by an existing user, both the referring driver and rider will receive DRF tokens as a reward.
& Every time a referred user takes a ride on the DRIFE platform, the referrer earns 1% of the fare as passive income in the form of DRF tokens.
Q - Where is this taken from?
A: if a ride cost $100, then the % of referral fee (passive income) comes from the $100.
Key smart contracts (Ride contract, Fare contract, Utility token contract)
Q - Who pays for gas fees? Most rides are paid in fiat
A: contracts are paid for by the system itself. paid for by the administrative. also by subsribtion fee. working to make it free by default.
Q - How long it will take for Drife team to establish DRF token integration & utility into real world settings.
A: Franchise first. this will be next thing.